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Pizza er nå klassifisert som en grønnsak i USA , mm. -> Trening & Kosthold; Verdt å lese, Utgave 86


Utgave 86 – I denne utgaven:
- Pizza er nå klassifisert som en grønnsak i USA (av Espen Espelund)
- Favourite music evokes same feelings as good food or drugs (av Alok Jha, forskning)
- Eggs wake you up? The facts are scrambled (forskning)
- The 8 People Who Will Ruin Your Attempt to Lose Weight (av Christina H, Cracked.com)
- Coffee Consumption and Health: The Final Word: Part 1, 2 (av Brian St. Pierre)

Ukas sitat:
“…Prøv gjerne ut metoden og eksperimenter med ulike treningssplitter, øvelser, repsområder og hvilepauser – men bare ikke bli så opphengt i detaljene at du glemmer det aller viktigste: Løft progressivt tyngre vekter, lenge nok og ofte nok, fra måned til måned og år til år, mens du samtidig spiser nok til å støtte oppbygging og restitusjon, så vil du bli både større og sterkere!…”
- Børge Fagerli, om ‘myo-reps’ metoden sin.

Pizza er nå klassifisert som en grønnsak i USA: Ja, det skulle jo mangle ;) Les hele saken på Fitnessbloggen.

Favourite music evokes same feelings as good food or drugs: Forskning viser at musikk kan gi lignende effekter i kroppen som narkotika/rusmidler. En relativ økning i dopaminnivåer på 6-9 % ble observert, og en person hadde hele 21 % økning i dopaminnivåer! (rusmidler, music, glede, lykke, eufori)

* Referanser: Guardian: Favourite music evokes same feelings as good food or drugs.

1) Salimpoor VN, Benovoy M, Larcher K, Dagher A, Zatorre RJ. Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Feb;14(2):257-62. Epub 2011 Jan 9. Pubmed.

Oh yes!

Eggs wake you up? The facts are scrambled: En studie på mus viser at aminosyrer/proteiner kan øke aktivitetsnivå, og hindre reduksjon i aktivitet fra sukker. Det er dog ikke sikkert at dette også gjelder mennesker.

- “The researchers found that feeding mice a mixture similar to egg whites significantly increased the amount of amino acids that reach the hypothalamus, compared with control mice. They also found that mice fed this mixture exhibited significantly higher amounts of movement and activity, compared with control mice.

When the researchers measured brain activity of the mice given a combination of amino acids and sugar they found that the activity of the brain cells of those mice was increased, and not diminished as they had expected. The activity of these cells was similar to that found when only amino acids were used.”

- “The researchers conclude that brain cells that are involved in controlling energy levels and wakefulness are directly stimulated by common mixtures of amino acids, and that these nutrients can overcome the activity-decreasing effects of sugar.”

- “The researchers say that these key brain cells are influenced in a “push-pull” manner by sugar and amino acids, and that a diet that is made up mainly of sugars would lead to reduced activity of these cells, while a diet with high levels of amino acids would increase their activity.”

* Referanser: PubMed Health: Eggs wake you up? The facts are scrambled.

1) Karnani MM, Apergis-Schoute J, Adamantidis A, et al. Activation of Central Orexin/Hypocretin Neurons by Dietary Amino Acids. Neuron. 2011; 72: 616-629. Cell.

The 8 People Who Will Ruin Your Attempt to Lose Weight: En morsom og rimelig treffende artikkel om hvordan andre personer kan gjøre det vanskeligere å slanke seg..

Coffee Consumption and Health: The Final Word: Part 1, 2: En fin artikkel av Brian St. Pierre om kaffe, koffein, hese og risiko for en rekke sykdommer.

* Referanser: ericcressey.com: Brian St. Pierre: Coffee Consumption and Health: The Final Word: Part 1, 2

Kaffe. Foto: Julius Schorzman - www.assembleme.com

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